Saturday, December 20, 2008

Late Post....

Well, sorry guys....SPM had finally over (actually it had over for 1 month ..) but my last post was on 4th december =.="". Sorry for my late updates...

Accounts was to blame myself for tat. Skipped classes, din finish my accounts homeworks, sleeping in class when Mrs. Lee was teaching...etc... Juz gotta pray hard for my accounts (pray harder then).After accounts...hurrayy...SPM was OFFICIALLY over!!!time for fun n party then!!!

Ellen, Tsuqi, Joeann n sis, Yong Jie n I went for a movie at Bukit Raja JJ. At first Ellen booked 8 tickets for Madagascar 2 which starts at 1.20pm if not mistaken...But because joeann's sis had watch Madagascar 2...then we switched to Twilight. Luckily we did...phheeww....

Twilight was good....It is a romance movie although there are vampires. Movie is much more better compared to the book. Now, I'm addicted to twilight series/saga. I bought New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn :P...

Cant deny...December was a 'movie month'

After a fornight, Jill 'ajak-ed' us go out Bukit Tinggi JJ. We had our lunch at Kim Gary Restaurant, fondue at Haagen Dazs and drinks at Old Town Coffee shop. We watched 3 (first time in my record)

We watched:

Transporter 3
It is a gud movie too...Better than Transporter 2 but i like Transporter Still the same...actions....( an action movie wad..=.="")and he drives an Audi

Then Jill said she want to try fondue at Haagen we went....=)

We were late for our second movie....Yes Man...

Yes Man
A guy who say YES to everything in his life.....

After that, Jill said wanna watch another movie. While Yongjie n i went to popular to search for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. But too bad....*out of stock*.Chin Li didnt join us for the third movie...
Later, Jill, Ellen and Yi Min joined us and they bluff Yongjie that we were going to watch a girly movie.....(which scares yongjie the most :P). Actually, we watched "The Day The Earth Stood Still" starred by Keanu Reeves. Before that, we went to Old Town Coffee Shop to have some drinks. Four of us (except Yi Min) ordered cold drinks which made four of us shivered in d cinema =.=""

We went home after the third movie. Tired but I'm happy...because it was a 'second family' gathering....haha.

After one week, went for movie Actually it was Yongjie's farewell. Finally, we watched Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. It was funny and i think the movie is kinda over...

On 31st December, New Year's eve....four of us (Ellen, Yi Min, Jill and I) went to airport to send yongjie and Ellen's friend (Elvina) off. Wish him good luck and all the best. He is coming back on December to celebrate Christmas with his family.
After that, we went to Mid Valley for movie. We watched "Cape No.7". Jill said it was a nice movie n "die die oso must watch"...haha

Happy New Year everyone!!!!
May everyone bless with health, joy, happiness, wealth and love.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


(1) 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。

(2) 請老實回答每一個問題。

(3) 不行擅自塗改題目。

(4) 寫完請點10位,不可不點。

(5) 點完後請通知那10位小朋友他被點到了。


(1) 你的名字→kah yee

(2) 生日呢→ 08/11/1991

(3) 星座呢→ Scorpio

(4) 你男的還女的→ lame.....i'm a gal (saw my profile picture..???)

(5) 現在很煩嗎→ please dun disturb me


(1) 覺得朋友重要嗎 ~ yea...of course

(2) 有被朋友背叛過嗎~ erm..i'm kinda unlucky...

(3) 感覺是怎麼樣呢~ disappointed....

(4) 如果有一天朋友都離開你~ maybe it is end of d world...

(5) 為什麼跟朋友吵架~ actually we seldom argue....or i can say never...=)

(6) 通常合好的原因~ never argue before =.=""

(7) 如果被很好的朋友背叛~ nothing to say.....disappointed

(8) 如果那個背叛的人要求合好~ let me think about it....ok lahh


(1) 友情和愛情哪個重要~ okie...i'm greedy. Both oso important....

(2) 目前有男/女朋友嗎~ nope...

(3) 你很愛她/他嗎~ dun have a lover.....

(4) 如果她/他要求分手~ dunno how to answer

(5) 如果她/他劈腿~ dunno how to answer

(6) 如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎~ finally...i know how to answer....(anyone???..NO ONE)

(7) 覺得自己喜歡的人如何~ once again....dunno how to answer....

(8) 覺得自己會喜歡那個人很久嗎~ okie...kinda pissed of answer!!!

(9) 如果有一天另一半突然離開~ continue to survive...i think he will give me strength to do so..

(10) 分手的話會不會哭~ errmmm...many gals do tat rite.....


(1) 家庭成員有誰呢~ parents, myself

(2) 最喜歡哪個家人~ both my parents

(3) 最討厭哪個家人~ no one....

(4) 覺得自己的家好嗎~ yea..of course

(5) 承上 為什麼呢~ huh....????dun understand d question

(6) 親情對你來說很重要嗎~ yea...of course

(7) 有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都為了什麼事呢~ who am i goin to argue with.....??

(8) 後來是怎麼合好的~ =.="""


是非題 有過的打圈 不曾有過的打叉

(1) 耳洞:X (i scare of pain...sorry to say that)

(2) 染髮:X (black looks nice wad.....)

(3) 抽菸:X

(4) 喝酒:O (but i'm not an alcoholic)

(5) 寵物:X

(6) 牙套:X

(7) 手機:O (who dun have handphone please send me a comment...)

(8) 出國:O

(9) 戀愛:X

(0) 自殺:X

(11) 自拍:X

(12) 網咖:X

(13) 刺青:X

(14) 接吻:X

第三大題 - 目前最想做的事

1)Settle some of my problems


3)my future plans for further studies


(1) 心目中的對象是誰= no one...

(2) 如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌入海,你會先救誰→ stupid question.....i dunno how to swim...(can i save myself first..??)

(3) 直到現在有哪幾首歌,可以感動到你→ lots

(4) 如果你有多啦A夢,你想要它的什麼法寶→ can i have everything in his pocket...??

(5) 看漫畫的人為何看漫畫?不看漫畫的人為何不看漫畫→ lame n swt!!! how i know???

(6) 想改掉的毛病或習慣→ my bad temper

(7) 人生對你而言最重要的事情是什麼= aprreciate all d things bside me

(8) 哪部作品從開始愛上後到現在都還很喜歡= eerrmm....cant think of anything

(9) 覺得目前為止作過最有意義的事情= cant think of one....

(10) 哪一件事情讓你永生難忘= currently is my Red FM birthday wish....

(11) 如果還有來生,你要當男生還女生= let me think...... (dunno....??)

(12) 大頭貼/視訊/手機/數位相機,最愛用哪一個拍照= i dun like to take my own photo....

(13) 寫到這 你累了嗎= of course lahh...walaoeehh...(y so many question??)

(14) 學校合作社爛不爛= no comment

(15) 未來有什麼計畫= further studies at canada???

(16) 最想去的國家= wanna travel d whole world lahh

(17) 被邀請玩國王遊戲的感覺= wad game is tat??

(18) 如果你是狗,你最想當哪一種狗= paiseh dogs at my housing area...

(19) 友情和愛情,你會選擇哪邊= wad a lame question....

(20) 目前有在追喜歡的人嗎= stop asking nonsense lahh.....=(

(21) 目前最煩惱的事= ssshhh....(secret)

(22) 你喜歡裝色嗎= i dun understand d question...??

(23) 你有懷疑過生髮水廣告的真實性嗎= juz use nia lahh...dun think so much....okiee

(24) 想不想去神奇寶貝樂園= got such a place arrr...??

(25) 認識新朋友第一眼會看什麼地方= feature....??

(26) 最想去台灣什麼地方= place where i can shop for whole day...

(27) 你崇尚名牌嗎= no $$$$

(28) 有錢的話想包養誰= myself...

(29) 如果會魔法你最想要改變什麼= change eerrmm....(secret)

(30) 你願意花多少時間去等你所喜歡的人= depends...

(31) 究竟是陪在身邊的人重要?還是心裡的人重要→ LOL......

(32) 假如你有一千萬,你最想拿來做什麼= can i keep all inside bank...??

(33) 世界上最值得你留戀的是什麼= my family n frens

(34) 什麼樣的異性最吸引你= fail to attract guys lahh....sorry to say that

(35) 第一次性經驗是幾歲= stupid question....

(36) 現在開心嗎= yea...of course...

(37) 最多便秘幾天= eerrm....din count for it...

(38) 有什麼事是你覺得一輩子一定要去做的= enjoy mt night life...go clubbing....xD

(39) 目前有沒有什麼事,是你不想做非要去做的= yea....houseworks...

(40) 如果有一天,火星人是我們的祖先,那你會去認親戚嗎= nope....coz this wont happen

(41) 有沒有想過哪一天自己是怎麼死的= yea....

(42) 如過你告白失敗你會怎麼辦= never try before...

43) 假使有一天被退學了,要怎麼面對父母= let me think of a reason y i will be expelled from skul first....(graduate ed...)

(44) 你最喜歡的事物是= uncountable....

(45) 你喜歡我嗎= HUUUUHHHHHHHH????????!!!!!!!!!!!

(46) 最喜歡的異姓穿著= everyone got their own style....

(47) 試過最有效的減肥方法是= eat more salad...????exercise lahh

(48) 你喜歡瘦瘦高高還是嬌小可愛的女生= i'm not lesbian lahh...

(49) 你覺得自己哪裏最性感= nope....

(50) 吃大便跟吃ㄆㄨㄣ你寧願吃哪一個= i dun understand lahh

(51) 如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷吃,你會如何= let me think ......

(52) 喜歡被愛還是愛人=被爱

(53) 你覺得偷偷的愛比較好還是光明的愛=光明咯

(54) 為蝦米會有點名遊戲= how i know....??

(55) 累了嗎= lame..of couse lahhh

(56) 近期最開心的事情=actually something bothers me this few days.....

(57) 你覺得女生倒追男生會不會很奇怪= nope....21sr century not wrong...okie...

(58) SBL你支持哪一隊= wad is SBL???

(59) 愛一個人,需要付出多少代價= 100%

(60) 為什麼會愛上自己的情人= dunno how to answer....

Wad a lame tag.......

Sunday, November 30, 2008


第一 :被点者请在自己的BLOG里写下答案
第二 : 请传另外十位的人.=)
第三 : 传阅人‘请在于这十位当中斗留言版’ 告知他(她) 被点名了..
第四 : 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五 : 被点者‘请注明被谁点了’ 在哪接到‘在传给下十位’
第六: 这些被点名者’ 你们被点会得到祝福‘并且愿望会实现’ 也会得到幸福.^^


幸福套餐NO 1♥
01 你的绰号 : Panda, paggy
02 年龄 : 17 (sexy seventeen...LOL)
03 生日 : 08/11/1991
04 星座 : Scorpio-The intense one
05 兴趣 : online, shopping, listening to music
06 专长 : huhuhuhu....bully people (people out there, be careful of this monster)

幸福套餐 NO 2♥
01你有没有喜欢的人? : Anyone??? NO!!!!
02 是否在交往? : single for 17 years....(single da best)
03 现在幸福吗? :yeah...(with my family n frens)
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事? :travel around the world.....haha (p/s: please give me some money too...)
05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话? : eerr...accept lahh....

幸福套餐 NO 3♥
01 最爱的节目 : Hong Kong drama, Korean drama....lotss more..
02 最爱的音乐 : R&B, soul, jazz...
03 最爱的季节 : autumn...
04 最爱的卡通 : Winnie the Pooh...LOL (still act like a kid huh...)
05 最爱的人 : No one!! (myself consider anot ???)
06 最爱的颜色 : blue, white....
07 最爱的国家 : Malaysia??? (i'm patriotic.....=.=""),Canada (aurora on 24 th December)
08 最爱的天气 : eerrrmmm....sunny day is damn hot, rainy day causes

幸福套餐 NO 4♥
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
(1)i want a peaceful life
(2)Family n frens healthy n happy forever
(3)Travel around the world

02 你是很专一的人吗 : dunno....
03 最深刻的回忆? : -Red FM birthday wish (from muaa second family)
04 你是个很有信心的人吗? : haha..if i'm..then i wont be called a panda full with problems aka emo
05 你很爱微笑吗 : hahaha.....yea
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗 : Let's see....if turn to a rich n peaceful life....then yes..i willing!!!
07 妄想什么样的生活 :Peaceful, be with the one that i love n loves me forever, i want some freedom too....
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱 :definitely NO!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tagged by Ellen.....Below is d tag :

Instructions:Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box or anyway that he/she has been tagged.

1. What is it that bothers you the most?
How to study acc????Acc big problem.....

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Online....sleeping....listening to musics.....

3. What kind of news do you read?
Malaysian newspaper...( iseldom read oso...)

4. What is your ultimate wish?

5. Is there someone in your heart right now?

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
errmm....i think so (although money is everything)LOL

7. Are you afraid of pain ?
yea...of course...

8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Settle all my problems....i want a peaceful life...

9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
let's see.....there is no one for me to confess.
P/S:[there is a freak that always ask me to confess....for no reason...]cant blame lahh, freakkk!!!!

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
b)a wondeful fren
actually still got a lot of good points.....

11.What is your 6 most passionate thing at this moment?
a)shopping (i luv shopping...i'm a shop-a-holic)
b)get enuf sleep (my eye bag n panda eyes is worsen)
c)playing (wif my frens....)
d)TV ( after spm is time for me to stay in front of muaa lovely TV)

12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
errmmm....let me think..(secret)

13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
salad...(i luv salad)

14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
happy....(money is not everything....happiness is...)

15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
my crazyness..LOL

16. How do you see yourself in 5 years time?
wohhoooo....still an university student

17. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
I love myself till d max...

18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
My laptop....

19. Important people in your life??
-my family
-my second family

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lame post.....

Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

I was tagged by: (i choose to answer relieve some of my spm stress.....LOL)

I tag :
whoever wanna do it...

1st : What's your name?
LKY (Lee Kah Yee) =.=""

2nd : How old are you?
17 yrs old plus 20 days (njoying my sexy seventeen)

3rd : What are three electronics you can't live without?
muaa lovely laptop, handphone, TV...

4th : Are you amazing?
errmm...let me think about it....

5th : What is the brand of the phone you are using?
Sony Erisson W890i

6th : What colour is your phone?

7th : Have you slept in school before?
Definitely.....YES!!! (everyone shud have sleeping experience in school rite...)

8th : How long are you online in one day?
Depends....sometimes i appear offline...

9th : How would you describe yourself?
Day-dreaming, easily pissed off.....(lotzza....)

10th : What's your favourite topic to talk about?
haha...we chat lotzza topics....(eg.movies, songs,gossips......)

11th : Which teacher do you like?
Pn. Joharabi, Pn.Darina, Cik Wan Aini, Pn Pavani (although she likes to scold us), Cik Noretna.....

12th : Who do you think is the most handsome in your class?
Errmm....nid some time to think bout it....answer is :[wicky]

13th : Who are you currently aiming on?
No one!!!!

14th : Do you know a lot of your sibling's secrets?
I dun have siblings...juz me,myself

15th : How do you rate your sibling?
5/5 (i'm d best)

16th : Is your sibling gorgeous?
Dunno how to answer...=.=""

17th : Do you judge people?
Yeah.....why not??everyone does tat rite....

18th : Do you run?
Yeah...of course...(up n down of staircase....rush to tuition.....etc..)

19th : Are you lazy to tag people?
Those who r interested can answer....( coz no one for me to tag lahh...[ellen])

20th : Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Let me check.....[muaa lovely dad]

21st : What's 2 + 2?>4.
swt n lame....(kindergarden kid oso know d answer....)

22nd : Who's your idol?
Kimi Raikkonen (he is damn yao yeng), Raymond Lam, Linda Chung, Moses....

23rd : Are you a monster?
Sometimes....(especailly d time when i am pissed off)

24th : Do you play with Barbie dolls?
okieee....gals shud have at least one Barbie doll during childhood...
yes for sure!!!

25th : What was the last movie you watched?
Couldn't remember......(paiseh...short term memory lost)

26th : What do you think about your English?
My english arr.....i fikir horrr....still improving...

27th : What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?
saya boleh write, saya boleh read.....u think lehh???

28th : Who do you hate?

29th : Do you love yourself?
Definitely YES!! I love myself till d max....

30th : Blurt out 5 random words
1. swt
2. wakakaka
3. LOL
4. Huh
5. OMG

Sunday, November 2, 2008

31st October 2008.........

Graduation was on Friday.....31st October.....
How i feel huh????Suprisingly i din cry......but when we sang graduation mind keep on refresh back memories with frens n teachers......But really tot i will cry (-.-'''')haha.....
Know why.......?!?!?
because........(i cried when chinese teacher taught us how to sing graduation song)......lyrics too 'gandong'???? or i am just an emo panda ???

Graduation started with speeches by school's VVIPs (important huh...??)din really listen to wad they said......(i was doing Mr Wong n Pn Yong's homework...'guai' leh....)
then continue with sijil-s.....sijil peghargaan n d list goes on.....

Then we had to prepare for graduation performance......changing in class kinda fun also.....-.-'''' (but is kinda unsecure.......coz guys can peek outside wad.......)but i think they wont lohhh.......(think niaa).
Dun reli have a chance to watch other classes' performance.......busy with make-up n setting huey reli good in setting hair....turn all of us to lengzai n lenglui.......thanks ya.....

The most important issue......cant believe tat i wore high heels for performance........(so sad din take a photo for tat).No matter wad.....luckily i din fall down on d stage during performance.....pheewww....

with sejarah teacher, Cik Wan Aini (she is a good teacher...but we always disappoint her)

My dance partner aka ah pekk aka....(he got lotza nicks)n he always bully me (-.-)

Evidence:........(ah pekk.....caught ya)
S4 gals roxxx :)

After that...i went for Mr Wong's tuition class...but i skipped Pn Yong (sorry lohhh.....)
Gotta prepare myself to ah Boon's house for BBQ party.......hehe
Lottzza food........haha.....look down...... (focus on tat watermelon....actually it tastes sweet)


din eat much during BBQ........for some reason......but i do enjoy tat day.... cards non stop...or i should cards more than eating

haha......see........(makes me high tat day)

High ngam

Abang Hooi so high............seee......

Ah lui become paparazzi for a few minutes......

My 'dai lou' n 'dai sou'........(doing wad huh..??)

Ah Pekk with his youngest sista......(she is so cuuutteee...). Ah Pekk..u r not cute...=.='''

Poh Reen n Ah Fan.......match leh...(Ah Fan...wad pose is tat???)

SS Group........
D guy with red t-shirt is d most SS wan!!!

My cute ah lui n step ah mama......(from left to right)
errmm....guy with chilli red t-shirt also known as SS king!!!!!!!
Thanks for d memories ya!!!!!
Luv you guys forever!!!!!!
P/S:SPM is around d hard!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Last Celebration

Ermmm..........happy birthday, joe ann mama!!!
For d first time our plan went so well.....haha
mama reli suprised n shocked when ellen bring tat brownies out.......

yummy :') (ah lui's brownies)

Oh yaaa....chin li, tsuqi, ah pek aka yong jie n i went to tesco n buy for steamboat ingredients.....
haha.....fishballs...veges.....snacks.....n my ferrero rocher.....
talking bout ferrero rocher.......hahahahahaha
ah pek!!!!!u did something horrr..............wakakaka
so sad i din record it.........

Everytime kena banned from lemon juice wan.....:(
ah lui arrr......drink first then only decide........can anot?????

Erm...wanna promote something......
gals who r interested in getting a house husband.....can send me a comment..."(haha)
juz kidding lohhh........

First time saw ah pek fried chicken nuggets........

Tat chicken nuggets taste nice is not because of ur skills lohhh, ah because d chicken at first ed taste nice......ok.......

so please dun feel proud of yourself.........=.="""

Ah pek's fried chicken nuggets.......

Drinking wine?????Nolah...tat's just sparkling juice..........haha......
still underage lahhh.......later my face turn tomato......then cham.......

No matter how.....this is d happiest celebration.....:)
I will remember all of you forever!!!!!!

Frens Forever!!!!!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Graduate soon.......

OOpss...time flies~~~~
Trials over results...haizzz.......
Actually for d first time i study till wanna give up.....
wan to close d reference book.....then straight go to bed n sleep.....
no matter have to go on.....
here i come....SPM!!!

*I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I’ll make it through the rain *

Oh yaa....going to graduate soon.....
now i start to miss my Form 5 classmates....
October 30 gotta say bye bye......our graduation day :(
life will become different after that...
no matter how far is it......
at least...we had been together before........


Start to practice for graduation day performance......

haha....kinda hip hop dance which is 'Low'----"shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with d fur~~~"haha....

then another 80's canton song----難兄難弟~~~

plus breakdance .....then d end whole class perform......

almost finish now gotta settle costume ed.....haha

one month later..

we will be facing our exam ..........

wish everyone can enjoy our last school life........every part of the school will be our memories..

memories will live forever in our heart...

hey friends...all the best...


Friday, August 22, 2008

Hi........I'm back!!!

Hi....i'm back!!!!!haha....=.=""
Four months didnt post first i forget my cant sign .....hehe...
but now I'm back!!!but after this post i will say bye bye again until trials end.
Mid term results had gave me two tight slaps!!!kinda i swear to study hard for trial.........for my own future n of cake!!!Dunno which lengzai promise to buy me a Secret Recipe cake if I get 5As' for my trial????Thank you so much.....haha....I'll try my very best!!!
Actually starting from August......i should say bye bye to Internet...facebook....friendster....etcc..then now still online????maybe to relieve some of my study stress.......=.=""
Then, this week is school holiday.....actually today is the end of school holiday.....just back from 7 hours tuition classes...BM plus physics. That's wad i always said...'holiday doesnt seems like holiday'!!!!Lotzz of tuition classes...replacement time for study also.....haizzz
As usual...BM class....Pn Yong's class. Still same......mostly every week kena by her nonsense more than teaching.......haha(who is Pn Yong????)XD
How bout my studies?????still struggling with my chemistry chapter 8 n form 5 chapter 3.....physics chapter 5 which is light....add maths....sejarah..........starting to hate my Form 5 life!!!!!but it will end after a few months.....that time sure i will miss my Form 5 life.......(swt horr....)but Form 5 is the year that full of all kinda tastes such as bitter, sour and sweet.All mixed together n become an unforgettable memory!!! class got another new couple.....haha..which is kenny and soh kuan. Actually still got another pair which is in progress......maybe after SPM only they will become couple.So, total 3 couples in my class!!!( wanna see which couple send wedding invitation first...haha)
Oh ya.........almost forget.....I become 'mama' ed.......haha....i have a cute daughter n a divorced"")actually is just a joke...haha....dont misunderstand lohh......
Before I forget....good luck to all my friends that will face trial next month.........aza aza fighting!!!

I must study hard toooo...........xP



Friday, April 18, 2008

Tagged by i tried to answer d questions.Here's the tag:

Instructions : Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged

At what age do you wish to marry?
eerrmm....after 30.....haha..need to enjoy nightlife first.....or never...??juz enjoy my own free life forever!!

If you have the chance what would you probably say to your beloved one?
in wad situation??impossible to say 'I Love U' when both r arguing rite....

What do you fear most in cooking/baking?
haha..paiseh..dun even dare to stand near d gas cooker...a bit phobia....

When you pangsai which position do you prefer, sit or squat? Why?
sit is d best.. for me...

Where is the place that you want to go to the most?
haha......Finland on 24th of December to see aurora n Christmas Island during christmas(but kinda impossible....)

If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
actually got many..but d main one is....born genius!!!!

Do you believe you can survive without money?
People like me kinda materialistic.....sumore girls need money for shopping!!so, u say leh??

What are you afraid to lose the most?
Family, friends n freedom...

What would you do if you won $1 million?
40% for share, 40% save in fixed deposit although d rate is kinda low.....10% to charity n 10% for family n self spending.....

If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
21st century doesnt mean girls need to confess...n for me....answer is NO!!still prefer guys to confess first.....

List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you
1. Friendly
2. Cute
3. Considerate

What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Caring(muz care for me n my family members), responsible(earn money for me to spend!!!hehe),sense of humour n hopefully with 7C.......haha

Which type of person do you hate the the most?
Playboy, backstabber, guys that self-centered

What do you think about sex?
Dunno enjoy of suffer??Actually never think of....

What do you think is the most important thing in life?
Enjoy life n do whatever u wanna we will never regret till d end of d day :)

If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
My bad temper.....

Are you a shopaholic or not?
Most girls like shopping......n of course i'm d one....(but now dont have lots of money to spend)

If you are to die one day, who would you wish to spend your last day with?
My family at first n friends so that they will remember me till d end.....

What is/are your trademarks?
ermm......walaueh??wad d heck??or i dont have one??

Who is the person you can share all your problems with?
nowaday hard to totally believe d best is keep inside my own heart....share with my heart lohh....


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Aikss....mid term coming...Just start revising form 4 chapters. Now kinda worry whether can finish revision before exam...??Compared to last year, exam is not a big deal.....everyday just thinking of playing..haha..kinda sweat right....but i'm in from 5 have to wake up from fantasy dream ed....

Last two weeks, i joined AmBank Run at Dataran Merdeka..huhuhu...this is my first marathon run in 2008....but so for 10 minutes ed stomach start to pain....maybe long time didnt last also finished d run...but no medal lah..haizz, really agreed tat i'm tauhu..lembik!!

Entering form 5 really makes me feel more stress and tension..sumore teacher all start counting how many months left till SPM....thinking of SPM.....*no comments*


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mid term exam??

hi everyone....
long time din post ed...
too busy after chinese new year....
speaking about mid term exam.....a bit too early oni march...usually mid term starts in May..before two weeks school break..
still left one a few week lah..
but getting worried ed....
feels like after a blink of eyes....mid term is coming
till now oso havent start all of us know...mid term also includes all form 4 syllybus...
now feels like...OMG!!how to finish my revision???damn worry for my science subjects, add maths n maths!!Add maths arr.....when i get d test brain starts to jam......then all question dunno how to answer...
i think tat's why i fail my add maths during march monthly test......nid to study hard leh....
then sejarah....aiyo..form 4 syllybus reli makes me suffer..memorise those islam things....all d name long n looks like same oni....
sumore yong jie everyday study so hard...see him study makes me feel like i din study at all.....he makes me panic n scare.....makes me feel that exam is nearer n nearer.....but then my homework is piling n piling.....
i think i need to plan a time table for studying ed......but i know is hard to do so..because people like me..haha....lazy mah...
all oso last minute.......then oni start to panic n regret......
that's y i will panic lohh......haha

~Kah yee~

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


keep posting everyday ......
maybe this is the most suitable place to express all my anger and feelings.....haha
And no one know that i have a blog.....except Ellen .....
Today is the fourth day in school...
Still have many things happen....
I think I will type it out here....
During moral class, which means period after recess....havent sit down for 5 minutes, that teacher ask a student to call me for duno what small matters.....
When I reached 5A3, tat stupid ask me a question......
"You sudah bagi wang untuk buku kerja?"I say nooooo.....she scold me!!!!What laaaahhhhh!!!!
I'm thinking horr...she just give me two days to collect money for work book....she thought all of us are from rich family meh....??Say want money then got money meh...
Today Bm period more worst...keep scolding and threaten us.....
First...she talks to nonesense about how to write rumusan...i listen until fall asleep.Then duno what 'jawaban' , 'kewajiban'?????Dunno she pro in bm or not.....simply teach 1....
then she told us:
'Saya sangat jujur.Pada hari ibu bapa, saya akan beritahu ibu bapa kamu tentang kelakuan kamu. saya juga akan tokoh tambah sikit." This call honest meh??I think she never study Moral before.
Then ask me, chong yong and esther to check all the exercise books before pass to her.We have to make sure her name is written corerectly. If not, she will throw the books and as usual lah...give psp marks..She thought who she is???Our 'ah ma' meh....??
Somemore scold our former form teacher....
Because rastom didnt fill in the year and class on the bottom of report card, she say that he duno how to become a form teacher. What la !!She dun even qualify to scold other teacher. She dont have the right to complain COS she is the worst form teacher in WHOLE Kwang Hua!!Say people lazy, she is the laziest. Everyday criticize teacher and students.....she is an animal only. A stupid and unattractive peacock.We are human beings......buahhaaaahhaa!!Look la...last time i not so kejam one leh...because of her lah....kill my body cells only.... finally drop my tears ed....and rastom say if wanna change teacher, still can..wahahaaha....evil horr...
Now thinking of an to kick her out???I think writing a touching letter to principal, let him read ed cry.....then our plan will success......!!!!hahahaha.....:)=.="""
I think i wont post tomorrow...cos
there is no BM class.....!!haha
Thanks god......


Monday, January 7, 2008

Miserable Form 5????

Hi everyone......
Really 'sui' ...Why i will hold the post of Bendahari/treasurer???Haiz...becoming 5S4 Ajk really pity and tired....
Is not because of our class because of that TEACHER!!!
A little small thingy oso she wanna call Ajk to help...looks like she pay us salary and she is our boss...
Why I wanna quit????
haha..cause i want a peaceful life and a lot more time doing my own things in class. Now, everyday got something most AJK will be called by teacher. The second day, Chong Yong and Ru Huey reli pity...that teacher kept calling them because of small matters.....=.=
Collecting Rm5 is teacher's job...not my job...i just collect money for class fund only
She only give me two days to collect that money....
Before that somemore threaten me....ask me to give her an explanation if I cant collect money from whole class ......Weird horr....what explanation she want???
Today she ask me to count money so I just follow what she wants.While I'm counting, she sit besides me and talking nonsense for the two period.Me.....stand beside her for two period...really want to smack her....but i dun dare only....hehe
Luckily today saw En Tom ..told him a little about what had happen in our class.....
I didnt looks at his face expression well..but Ellen say after i told him that all of us suffer in class, his expression change into ????duno what face expression is that? Haiz...but i know he lembut hati...i think 5s4 need a teacher like him..or can i say that our class cannot survive without him..??But sounds a bit too much....
I think now have to persue him once can kick out that teacher A.S.A.P.I just dont want my form 5 life to be miserable.I want happy memories!!
Hope God will help us.......

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Year 2008.....

I'm back...!!!!!!!
Long time din post kinda busy.....
everyday tuition....homework....boring!!!
But what to do.......this year is a brand new year......haha....2008....means 'fattt'...
Wait...!!this year i'm gonna sit for SPM rite.....??!!Nooooooo!!!!
My honeymoon year is all over......soobb.... :(
3rd Jan is when skul reopens...actually i dun wan to return to skul...(noty rite)cos maybe holiday makes me feel lazy....oh Ellen's birthday too...!!
the first day of skul makes me dun wanna go to school anymore..!!
Wat the ****....why 5S4 will get this****teacher as form teacher???
That new form teacher....dunno how to describe her la....
One of my friends say she looks like peacock.....but i don't think so lohh
at least peacock look beautiful and attractive....
but tat teacher is awful n bossy.....for me, she looks more like a crow
brainless n evil!!
Haizz....d first lesson for bm class is a disaster of my life..damn boring !!what tatabahasa....??last time rastom t each us also not so least in can do my own homework.....but she looks fiercen always threaten us with psp marks....
listen ed also canot tahan....
She teach until the whole class fall asleep..then we buy work book just wasting money.
Where got teacher ask student to buy workbook then ask students to re-copy n re-do in exercise book???Got.....tat form teacher lohh..!
Speaking of rastom....
now kinda regret ed...last year didn't appreciate him..
Always make him angry, sometimes bully him.....hehe...=.=""
But now we want him to teach us again also difficult....
He dont want us anymore.....-.-ssoobbb....
Tat peacock just know how to 'chuan' oni...not 'pro' at teaching at all.....
En Rastom is better than her a millionzz times.....(telling d truth)
Just hope that we can find a way to kick out that suxx teacher n change to another better one...
change to who also i wont mind....but not her...hate her face so much!!
She looks like 'your highness' n we all(especially ajks') looks like filipino maid......*cold*..but true..
School reopens just second day...and all of us have a bad impression towards her...luckily most of our class students change their attitude..
most of them becomes quiet and pay more attention when teachers are teaching.Well done guys!!This is our last year in secondary school and tat we never enjoy or have some freedom to do the things we like...sounds kinda unfair!!or maybe it is not fair at all lohh..!What am i talking about???
Really thinking for a better way to continue my last year which is form 5....i hope for happy memories with my friends, buddies and all the teachers...
But life have to continue........
