Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The reason ...

Sorry peeps T_______T

have been busy-ing with reports, assignments, class test and presentation :(

will catch up blogging after all these bitchy stuffs say buh-bye!fml

My current status: Frustrated, pek-chek and nervous! I feel like breaking something to de-stress! X( fml

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Secret in a closet

It's Chinese New Year Eve!! whhheeeee :)I am definitely gonna appreciate this year's CNY because most probably I will not receive any ang-paus or have reunion dinner for the next 2 years :S However I am not so in CNY mood this year -_____- thanks to Microbiology report and I still left with one question on drug treatment for the patient -____- brrrr

Mum has been nagging bout my wardrobe since dont know I am always lazy to tidy it as no one knows how messy it is inside when the doors are close ;) God knows and I know ! :DD

But then I decided to make things right this year. Either keep or give :) Ended up my wardrobe looks like this:

The baju side :) Still looks so stuffy =_____=

Skirts,jeans and pants :) Also the other

Conclusion is my wardrobe is still pack =____=

And and and, I found a gift from cousin when he was in Scotland.

A kilt :]

Suprisingly I still can wear it :O hahahaha! I dont even remember its existence =___= because I got it when I was in primary school. Standard 4 if not mistaken. So, it's 9 years O_____O

Evidence. lol:
11-12 years old wheeee wang wang!

Happy Chinese New Year peeps!
Wish you guys have a prosperous bunny year ahead!
P.S Btw, I made a mistake for the previous post. It's segreto -_______- hahaha. Blury head and mind

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Amore Segreto Part I

A P110 project for the newbies- P111 orientation! :)
Second day- Welcome to Tooney Town
Each group were given a list of cartoon characters and juniors needa dress up like the cartoons.

Nice background for the night!

Lets see:
Group photos first!

So sorry to say, I forgot the name of this group =____= Pardon me

Chitti Chitti Bang Bang


Gimme 5! The couple OO. lol


Pirate Juniors!

Some of the characters given in the list of 'mission-to-accomplish'. :)

Margaret aka Maggie Simpson. Sounds familiar?
And look at 'her' boobs. lol Pity him for dancing 'Bad Romance' on stage with the 'not-so-stable' boobs -__-

Bumble-bee, the unknown -___-, Peter Pan, Woody and the Bloo!

Ahhh, the Fairy Tales- Cinderella

Thick eyebrow.Red shirt. Yellow shorts. Guess what *_____+
Shin Chan!

The attention of the night besides Maggie Simps!
BLOO!! Familiar too?? Yeap because you ate a lot of "Mamee' when you were young!

Minnie the mouse with fallen nose =___=


The best male freshie-Mickey Mouse! lol

Sponge-bob square pants~~!

Another Minnie I guess?
Btw, she is not a freshie. She is my batchmate, Samantha!

Digi Yellowman?
hahah, she is one of the Powerpuff Girls :)

Mojojo I think ? hmm ?!

Hehe, it's only Part I. Might have Part II if I am able to finish my Microbiology case study report before CNY. Ahhhhh brrrrrrr!!!! :( Holiday mood gone and I predict that I will have a GG CNY break :'(

Monday, January 24, 2011

Want something that melts your heart? Try Stevie Wonder ! XP
The video attached is one of his best song that melts people's heart for the past 40 years :)
IHeartYou from the bottom of my heart!

Orientation post coming soon -___- I know my typing speed is slow larh =__=

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Questions for PM :)

Wanna ask our lovely PM a question? Go

Below are some of the -_____- questions asked by Malaysians. Credits to MSN news Malaysia.

"1. Datuk pakai lipgloss jenama apa?(harap2lah Maybelline) (.____.) And Datuk prefere siapa, Kim Kardashian or Pamela Anderson?

2.Siapa lagi hensem? Justin Bieber atau Kanye West?

3.Where do you go for facial?

4. Can you please deny Justin Bieber's visa for March?

5. Which is sexier, red or black heels?

6.How come Digi Yellowman follow me everywhere I go?

7.Are you related to Cullens?"

Hahaha. Just for FUN la peeps! :)

Read more wackiest and funny questions at

Imma so random today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Busy oh busy with orientation for two days. Cant wait for it to end and I am totally free of interuptions at night -_____- Currently having a superb frustrating and stress week as Physical Pharmacy class test is knocking on my brain's door and I am still not answering. I am still lepak-ing in IMU at night for orientation week. Took a lot of photos and the worst part is editing. The more photos taken, the more I need to edit T_______T So, I will share some of the photos and maybe videos in the upcoming few posts. Stay tuned peeps! :P

Back to revision.
P.S Readers please don't feel weird. I skipped lectures and orientation today in order to get this 'stress-releasing post' posted! xD

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hi Senior, Bye Junior

3rd January 2011- The first day of Week 8 for Semester 3 and the most important, the first day for new intake of P111! :)
Finally, I am people's senior!!!

Met juniors on Tuesday and I was shock when I see the number of new-comers. Guess what. Whole lot less than my batch. It's just 44 of them *_______________* Rumours are spreading, saying........ *ssshhhhh* I am not gonna say it here. Prevent myself from getting into trouble :X

Have been busy with orientation stuffs and studies. Speaking about orientation, I just dont feel like getting involved. It's just, I am _______ to join. If you know me well and are smart enough, you can kindly fill in the blank! :P

So, I am assigned to take photos. Ugh, the photographer. Photos taken are very random, scattered and pointless! fml
To summarise my feeling: I hate being a photographer for event like this where photos look darn meaningless. I hate this part!

Lets see:

Below are scattered and random photos. It's not my style. Ughhh!

Giving advice :)



Finally, two better ones. Satisfication!
The seniors and juniors.
Juniors are showing serious faces. Chill la babes! :D

A funny one! I mean the two guys behind. The jumping monkeys!
The new comers still have much to learn from us! Not the way of how to do revision but the crazy-ness and sampat-ness! -______-

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The midnight of 2011

Just had a baking session! I love to bake at midnight when everyone is asleep =____= Peace and no interuption!

and I am not baking cheesecake.

This time, I proudly *aheem* present:

Chocolate chip cookies !

Fresh from oven !

Waiting for the cookies to cool and to be kept in container!

A closer view :)

P.S Again an experiment before I really bake a bunch of cookies for CNY! One month from now! hehe ;)

Friday, December 31, 2010

The few days before 2010

Hi peeps. So sorry for the long waiting. Have been busy shopping around for the past few days -______- *shhhh*

Went to Sunway Pyramid on Sunday. As usual, crowded, people, full parking and more shops! Sunway is expanding and it's getting more lala-ish :/ Bought another pair of shoe at Vincci =____= again. Mum has been asking why I have a kind of feeling towards Vincci's shoes ^____^ :P I also dont know why. Had spicy steamboat at night which caused me GI upset and vomit :(

And I had the last outing of 2010 with QiQi on Tuesday. We laid our footprints at Mid Valley and The Gardens :) It's been ages since the last time I went there :) Bought a Goggles jeans at a superb cheap price! We walked, talked and gossip-ed for the whole day, and also started on plannings for next year Chinese New Year visits of the piggies. QiQi introduced me to Boost Juice Bars. :P

Try the one with berries peeps :) It's nice ! :)

Shopping didnt juat stop on Tuesday. Mum asked me to accompany her to Sogo on Thursday -__- Just like Sunway, Sogo is packed with people especially Arabians.

A FUN fact: Most of the tourists from Middle-East bring a big luggage to Sogo. It's not that they had just arrive. They keep their newly bought stuffs in it. CUTE right? =___=

Sogo is a shopping heaven with all the branded shoes, handbags and clothes selling at a cheap price but I dont really like that place. Because, not much of my stuffs can be found. Actually is too old for me :P Then went to Times Square for the first time in my life. Walked for one hour and the conclusion I get: For the first time I saw clothes and bags selling at Rm 25, and I stepped out with an empty hand -_____-. Reached home at 9pm as mum and I 'successfully' entered the third train that arrived at the platform. Pardon me, it was a SHUTTLE train.

FUN fact: Shuttle train travels slower than the normal train =______= Change shuttle to tortoise la please!

The reason:
The usual train is attach to this old thingy =____=

Old train, old railway. Everything is just freakin' n' farkin' OLD !

Another cute case, I saw a few gentlemen *aheem* in WOMEN couch *____* This shows how cacat our system is!
Have been standing the whole journey back to Shah Alam, after walking from morning till evening with a pair of sore legs.

Conclusion from the shopping diary: I need a bigger wardrobe! and more cashhhh! :P

1 more hour to 01.01.11!!

Happy New Year! xoxo

Wish you guys have a great year ahead :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Product and the B-DAY!

As promised, this post is dedicated to my dearest :)

Hehe, a round one ! and finally it looked like a CHEESECAKE!

The B-DAY cake! Almost perfect -_____-

Happy Birthday PaPa !
Happy and healthy always :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Looking back

Bought a new adhesive type photo album for all my photos. Seriously, loads of them :) haha
Enjoyed looking back at all the photos from baby time till now :)
Share some of my photos with ya peeps!

Fat bun walking at Taman Tasik Shah Alam.
Papa used to bring me there every week -_____-
Fat bun running for life =____=
Look at the camera and say CHEESE! :) Smile more peeps !
CREDITS to Papa! Undeniable he is a good photographer. Now and always :)
P.S I wish I could walk, run and smile like I used to did when I was small !

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December wishes :)

Wanna be a billionaire,
so freakin' bad.....
Go to
(Google it if u wanna know why :D )

It's end of the year.

It's almost Christmas.

Chinese New Year is coming soon.

And so, it's shopping time !!

Currently Imma broke T__________T Thanks to Vincci. Bought two pairs of shoes and a handbag :) Living with a almost empty wallet -______-

Looks kinda distorted in this photo. But actually the bag is cute =)

I think this is the 10th pair of rome shoes I have =___+

I heart white colour :)

The sad case is, I haven't buy new clothes. Planning for a shopping spree with QiQi :)
Where to go? hmmm ?

Coming up for the next post:

Stay tuned!

Time to pack and go back to the blardy hostel and IMU. fml

Blardy drug names again. fml

Friday, December 10, 2010

Take a break

Week 5 has passed and lectures are giving me question marks. Have been revising notes and lectures after classes as if exam is around the corner -________-

Duhh :( Stress life :/

Had my first Biopharmacy II lab session :) A relaxing one. By forming models of protein molecules.

L-alanine molecules. Both are mirror image.

B-pleated sheet. Not sure is a parallel or anti-parallel one =___= as I constructed it half-way :)

P.S The representation of type of molecules and the length of bonds made me go GaGa -___-

That's all for this post. Back to revision.
*Memorising names of drugs* fml